I created this cheesy little video 5 years ago and everyone I showed it to hated it…
Had something to do with bullets shooting and saying that we were a “New Sheriff.”
Apparently bullets firing and letting the world know you’re a new company is just the absolute worst things anybody could ever think of doing.
Is it “cheesy” – absolutely
May bullet sounds and holes turn off some people – most likely
Am I worried – NO
Considering all the other stuff found on YouTube, I think this is pretty tame. Goes to show how fast things change in just 5 years.
As a matter of fact, in today’s day and age, the more cheesy and the more it offends the more likely people are going to watch it.
Anyway, I broke this little video (actually a power point presentation) out of the archives, dusted it off, added a little bit, converted it to a video, and away it went onto YouTube.
It’s funny, when I first created this, we didn’t even have a website or phone number!
So enjoy…
Talk to you later,
Your friend,
Head Shredding Guy
Total Secure Shredding, Inc.