By Sue Crum, Ed.D.
The New Year began last month and I hope you’re off to a great start!
Even if your year so far just looks like a continuation of last year and all your wonderful intentions are laying on the floor of your closet, don’t despair.
I’m here to tell you it’s not too late for a new beginning!!
It’s only February!! We still have 11 more months of 2013 and plenty of time to change those habits we’ve been meaning to improve.
Last month I said be sure and let go of those New Year’s Resolutions. Research from various sources continues to suggest that the majority of those who make resolutions fail to keep them beyond six months. Often, they fall by the wayside within 30 days and we start to feel like a failure pretty quickly.
According to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, the New Year’s Resolution of getting organized is ranked second in importance right after losing weight.
The problem with getting organized as a resolution (and also the same with losing weight) is it is often said at a party or made as a cute remark without any serious thought given to it. Lacking specificity it just becomes some silly statement, sure to get a laugh at a holiday gathering.
Why do you think getting organized keeps showing up on these New Year’s Resolutions Lists?
It’s that clean slate, fresh beginning, new start of things, I imagine.
Forget resolutions – think goals instead: changing our habits, one day at a time!
We’ve been in this age of acquisition for a long time now, becoming acquisitive instead of inquisitive. By that I mean, we’ve continued to acquire (purchase, barter, find, create, or been given) possessions at a rapid rate.
As the New Year is still young, let’s use fresh eyes to examine all that we’ve accumulated and ask ourselves the all-important questions:
Make this the Year of Less but also the Year of More:
Add to this list with your own Less______________ and More___________________.
If you’ve decided that 2013 is your year to live a healthier, clutter-free life, start out small and build in success.
Don’t know where to begin?
—> Start with your purse.
—> Start with the trunk of the car.
—> Start with a bathroom or dresser drawer.
The important part is to make a small start.
Create a new habit where a bad, old habit has been. What steps can you take that will move you forward into a New You Year?
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
-Tao Te Ching
Where will you begin?
Sue Crum, Ed.D., is an international speaker and founder of She is the owner of the RED team, consulting and showing people how to de-clutter and organize their lives for better productivity. Her forthcoming book, De-Clutter Your Life – 50 Ways to Organize Your Life, Home or Business so that you become More Calm, Focused, and Happy , will be available in March . . Call her to speak to one of your groups or help you with de-cluttering and organizing. 760.803.2786. Sign up to receive her FREE Ebook – RED Hot etips List: Simple Strategies YOU can do NOW! Contact her at 760.803.2786 to arrange to have Sue speak to your group.