By Sue Crum, Professional Organizer and Clutter Clearing Coach
Happy New Year! Happy New YOU!!
Did you stay up late on New Year’s Eve shouting out resolutions like “This is the year I’m going to lose weight or 2013 is the year I’m going to finally get organized”?
Resolutions usually don’t work! No specificity to them-no timeline-said at the spur of the moment without a lot of thought. All those reasons set us up for failure.
Forget about resolutions!
Let’s talk about new habits! This is National Get Organized Month! All over the media are notices about weight loss as well as organizing products, and why?
It is a new beginning for all of us, but nothing will change on its own. We need to change our habits, and through time, build in new habits of success.
So what’s been bugging you that you haven’t gotten organized yet?
Any or all of the above may be causing you some clatter chatter, and clatter chatter is a form of clutter, too. It’s mental clutter , but clutter just the same.
It weighs on us; it talks to us; it beats us up about our lack of decisions and lack of actions.
Perhaps we have boxes of old files, old check registers, and files from relatives long since deceased. Our paper clutter weighs heavily on us as well.
What to do?
Let me tell you about a recent client who hired my team of professional organizers for a New Year’s Eve (day) garage project. She had reached the point of “full to bursting” with so many boxes and so much clutter that she called me for help. As she smartly recognized that the reason the house was filling up was all the wonderful storage from the garage had been taken with box after box of stuff for the family. She did not want to move into the New Year without tackling these treasures and conquering the clutter.
Our team used a Rapid Response approach to her problem. In one 5-hour block this motivated client and her husband worked with our team of professional organizers to get her garage back under control. By the end of our time together, this husband and wife felt so back in control of their possessions, their two and one-half car garage and they were ready to begin the New Year calm, collected, and clear on their next steps to keep this space pristine.
Next on their list: contacting Mike, the Shredder Guy, at Total Secure Shredding and de-cluttering 12 boxes of paper documents for shred!!!
What new organizing habit do you want to put in place in the next 30 days?
Sue Crum, Ed.D., is a professional organizer and decluttering expert who consults in person or virtually, helping busy people organize, redesign and transform the way they live and work. She owns the R.E.D. team, and is the immediate past-president of the National Association of Professional Organizers – San Diego Chapter. As a motivational speaker Sue inspires others to clear out their chaos and clutter so they can lead more successful lives. Call TODAY and schedule your free in-home consultation.The life you deserve is waiting for you. 760.803.2786